In a passion-driven business, we make the other person think there`s something they can rely on. Like a promising first date, “I don`t disagree” could one day turn into a real deal, a real romance, or a strong relationship. But right now, we`re just flirting with consent and keeping all our options open, because passion can be ephemeral, after all. The vast majority of New Yorkers seem to disagree and want Santa`s clauses gone forever. In fact, I think people use it more as a burden instead of saying directly, “I don`t agree.” In my experience, they say they disagree, but it`s a way of arguing that`s not yelling at the other person. If they really agreed with the person, they would just say that they agreed and that there would be no back and forth anyway. People disagree on whether Facebook`s role should be to moderate this type of content on its platform, or to what extent it should be protected as “freedom of speech.” “I don`t disagree” became an inner joke with Lee Cohen, an agent I`ve worked with for 14 years. When he applies it to me, I think that if it is the strongest alliance he will offer, my only appropriate answer is: “Fuck yourself too”. It`s a good-natured joke, of course, and our mutual laughter means the truth of the thing. But it`s true: if the best thing you`re willing to offer someone is that you don`t disagree, isn`t that the same as handing the bird over to them? It is important to know how we act, both when we agree and when we disagree with the president. Personally, I like the sentence. I use it when I want to be non-binding or express ambiguity or (intentional) uncertainty – or simply to not be uncomfortable. I also like Groucho Marx`s humorous construction: “I can`t say I don`t disagree.” The negative double forces people to stop and think about the meaning.
They usually smile/laugh when they realize what you mean. “I don`t disagree” leaves the door open without creating conflict. He says, “I`m pleasantly adjacent, but your opinion isn`t quite synonymous with mine. Not that I have an opinion, otherwise I would express it in such a way that you do not contradict it. In a city where we can`t accept the no as an answer, “I don`t completely reject what you say” has become sufficient confirmation. It is such a convincing harmony that you will never get or have to give. I noticed that the words “I disagree” (IDD) reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of a conversation. Unfortunately, such a civil constitution is only an agreement to disagree. I hereby affirm that the true meaning of “I disagree” is “Fuck you”. If you fall into the joke trap when you say to another Hollywood resident, “I don`t agree,” they`ll know you really mean that. I do not agree with Mrs Bayruffle when she complains that these are contributions of the type of speech. “I don`t disagree.” If you can`t say it, you can`t.
It seems that the location of the physical server is important, but not the only thing to consider. and, shockingly, the courts disagreed on the outcome. In fact, political scientists strongly disagree on whether TV ads have a significant impact on elections! I use “I agree” when I agree with what someone is saying. I use “I disagree” when they express an opinion that needs an answer. Anyway, if I do not have a strong opinion, but I think their opinion has some value, I could say, “I disagree.” I don`t disagree because I`m not very familiar with the topic or the people they`re talking about, but I also can`t really say I agree. Of course, you and I do not agree on the solution to this problem, but we agree that there is a problem. You might not even agree that a particular website or business is in their industry, but you do have data on your page. Instead of diminishing the expression, you should understand that “I disagree” is the epitome of affirmation, the summit of harmony, the summit of agreement – in other words, in Hollywood, it`s as good as it gets. If someone says, “I don`t agree,” does that mean they agree? Why not say “I agree”? Are they not sure they agree and maybe they do not agree? So why not say, “Maybe I agree”? If he got to a point where they weren`t sure whether they agreed or not, would they say, “Maybe I don`t agree”? I don`t know if I agree with this conversational approach or not, so of course I googled it. According to Yahoo, “Saying `I disagree` doesn`t necessarily mean they agree. You might not have an opinion, be neutral on the subject, or agree.
However, if someone agrees, they should simply say, “I agree.” Personally, I do not disagree with that statement. In the urban dictionary, commentators had this to say: ***** Basically means: “I hear what you say, but I still think you are fuller.” “One agrees with the other`s comment, but not really, in a passive-aggressive way.” “Often used in the work environment to upset colleagues: “Perky Employee: I think we should convene a working group to determine how we can build entrepreneurship. I really think that would lift morale. “Colleague: I don`t disagree with you, but I think comp-days would work better.” ***** Actually, it`s hard to know exactly what to do with this boring, passive-aggressive expression. Obviously, many people like to say it and others don`t. Probably the best thing we can do is to agree to disagree on this issue. For a harmless little sentence, “I disagree” covers many bases. Every time it is pronounced, a tacit pact is made – a pact that prevents both sides from getting away with it: you didn`t shake the boat with an opinion that someone disagreed with, and you only half accepted what you dared to do. They are both in a comfort zone of plausible deniability. Reciprocity is part of our Hollywood code. A code that deals with conflict prevention, which is why we are vulnerable to this temporary ceasefire, to this relaxation of dialogue. “I don`t disagree” warms up our shells like a comfortable cashmere sweater.
For example, a colleague, Jason, responded seven times to the assumptions made by his colleagues at a meeting yesterday: “I don`t disagree. In the eighth case, when he said in response to my guess according to IDD, I ask him, “Does IDD mean you agree with me? While I disagree (IDD) is logically equivalent to I agree, does its meaning reflect the intended meaning of the person who said IDD? No, in my experience, IDD rarely means I agree. And in terms of the conclusions and opinions he expressed, do you agree with his conclusions or do you disagree to some extent? “I disagree” is logically not synonymous with “I agree.” Disagreement involves an opposite attitude, not just a different one. We can have these depressed creative struggles if we don`t agree. Hollywood has its own colloquial language and it`s best to learn the jargon so you can become an eloquent practitioner. This is what identifies you as a native of other members of our tribe, as someone who knows. One of the most popular sayings in the city is “I don`t contradict.” But is this a confirmation worth checking out, or is it just another ambiguity on the path to development hell? “Agree to disagree,” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved December 1, 2020. “We have to try to get those who disagree with us to join us and not turn them away because they don`t agree with us,” he says. What made you disagree? Please let us know where you read or heard it (including the quote if possible). Many Muslims may disagree with my point of view or interpret Islam in a more moderate way, but I cannot accept this religion.
“I disagree” plants our flag in that narrow disc of sand that exists somewhere between approval and rejection with someone. This is half a confirmation. A consistent attitude. An uncontested policy. Like gender neutrality, the banner of justice or Switzerland. This wine is very pleasant when freshly grown, but tends to disagree with Europeans in this state. I remember when Theodore and Amoret fiercely disagreed on this point, but eventually Theodore gave in. In other cultures, contexts, and companies, when you make a persuasive point, another person`s approval may be expressed with a nod and the approval “I agree with you” or simply “I agree.” But in Hollywood, where everyone is constantly looking for an “out” – a way to avoid engagement, a way not to get nailed – “I don`t disagree” is music to the ears. So if you want to say it, say it with a smile. Say it with feeling.
Express it with enthusiasm. Greet yourself with her as you walk down the hallway. Take your game to the next level. Kindly find out who really knows. After the meeting, Jason told me that he wanted to share his own guess without sharing his opinion on my guess. For him, IDD was like running a NOP (No Operation) command on the processor of some computers. Processing this machine instruction takes a cycle, but does not change the state of the machine. In other words, it does nothing. Thanks for the comments, Danny. I totally agree with you.
What I`m really saying is, “Your idea/opinion has value, and you`ve expressed yourself well, and you may be right, but I`ll reserve my judgment at this point.” Save my name, email address, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I love the article and I totally agree with it. When I hear this phase, I immediately break off the conversation and ask the person to clarify their position. .