Central Michigan University Collective Bargaining Agreement

The parties look forward to the continuation of productive meetings as they work towards a new collective agreement. The conversations were productive and collaborative. The parties are encouraged by the fact that their diligent work and mutual respect have led to an agreement on ten articles and will lead to a follow-up agreement that will ensure the continued success of Central Michigan University, temporary faculty members and, most importantly, our students. Negotiations must continue and the parties look forward to continuing the dialogue with a view to a successor agreement. 05.06.15: Representatives from Central Michigan University and the Union of Teaching Faculty (UTF) resumed negotiations this week. The parties reached provisional agreement on three additional contractual sections, bringing the total number of provisional agreements to 13. 29.06.15: Representatives from Central Michigan University and the Union of Teaching Faculty (UTF) participated in negotiations overnight to reach a collective agreement that will succeed it. The discussions were fruitful and resulted in preliminary agreements on three additional articles and a supplementary memorandum of understanding. The parties will resume negotiations tomorrow at 9 a.m.m.m 5/28/15: Representatives from Central Michigan University and the Syndicate of Teaching Faculty (UTF) continued negotiations this week to reach an agreement to follow up on the parties` current collective agreement.

The agreement provides for a 1.5% increase in the base salary and market adjustments to maintain competitiveness in the recruitment and retention market and contributions to health services on the same basis as the professional and administrative workforce. Any changes to remuneration and performance contributions take effect on 26 September. July 2021, the date the bargaining unit ratified the provisional agreement, and expires on June 30, 2024. The FOPLC union was elected as the official collective bargaining representative by members of the patrol unit of the CMU Police Department in a secret ballot held in April 2021. This election was overseen by the Michigan Labor Relations Board, which later confirmed the FOPLC union as the official negotiator. Central Michigan University and the Michigan Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council – or foplc – have agreed to an initial collective agreement. The FOPLC union represents 13 CMU police officers. The CMU and UTF have put forward substantial proposals on a number of issues and will continue negotiations next week. The parties are making progress in the search for a successor agreement and look forward to their continued dialogue. UTF is a subsidiary of the American Federation of Teachers and represents nearly 400 temporary faculty members who teach on the CMU campus. The current collective agreement of the 2011 parties expires on June 30, 2015.

26.06.15: Representatives from Central Michigan University and the Union of Teaching Faculty (UTF) attended four more negotiation sessions during the week. These negotiation sessions were productive in reaching a successor agreement. The parties reached preliminary agreements on two additional articles and two additional memoranda of understanding. This brings the total number of provisional agreements to 19. Seven articles of the agreement remain open. The parties are conducting collegial and conscientious negotiations and hope to negotiate before the September 30 expiry date. June to reach a follow-up agreement. 12.06.15: Representatives from Central Michigan University and the Union of Teaching Faculty (UTF) continued negotiations during this week. The negotiation sessions were collaborative and productive. Other provisional agreements were concluded, bringing the total to 15. The parties will take leave next week and resume negotiations on 22 June.

The parties have scheduled six additional negotiating meetings before the June 30 expiry date. The parties hope that their careful work and open communication will lead to a follow-up agreement on time. . . .

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