The Cooperative Framework Agreement, also known as the Entebbe Agreement, is a legally binding treaty signed on May 14, 2010, by six countries in the Nile River Basin: Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, and Burundi. The agreement aims to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the Nile River’s resources and benefits among the signatory countries, without causing significant harm to downstream countries.
The Nile River is the longest river in the world and provides water and other essential resources to millions of people in eleven countries, including Egypt and Sudan. However, the two countries have historically held a disproportionate amount of power and control over the Nile’s resources to the detriment of upstream countries.
The Cooperative Framework Agreement seeks to change this dynamic by recognizing the rights of all Nile Basin countries to use and benefit from the river’s resources in a way that is sustainable and equitable. The agreement establishes a framework for cooperation on the management, development, and conservation of the Nile River Basin’s resources.
One of the key principles of the agreement is the obligation of the signatory countries to avoid causing significant harm to downstream countries. This means that they must consult with and seek the agreement of downstream countries before implementing any projects or activities that could affect the flow or quality of the river.
The Cooperative Framework Agreement also establishes the Nile Basin Commission, a permanent institution responsible for facilitating cooperation and coordination among the signatory countries. The commission is tasked with ensuring that the principles and objectives of the agreement are upheld, as well as promoting joint programs and projects for the development and conservation of the Nile River Basin.
Since its signing, the Cooperative Framework Agreement has faced opposition from Egypt and Sudan, who have argued that the agreement undermines their historical rights to the Nile’s resources. However, the signatory countries have continued to push for the implementation of the agreement, as they believe it is necessary to ensure a sustainable and equitable use of the river’s resources for the benefit of all.
In conclusion, the Cooperative Framework Agreement is an important step towards fostering cooperation and equitable use of the Nile River’s resources among all Nile Basin countries. While the agreement faces challenges, its implementation will ultimately result in a more sustainable and effective management of this crucial waterway.